Application & Registration

ClassK1(From 2 years and 8 months or above)

Am class:8:30-12:00

Whole day class:8:30-4:30

Period of application form collection

(No Quota)

Obtain from school in person or download from school website ( Download here )

Return of Application Forms

(No Quota)

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Mondays to Fridays)/

9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Saturdays)

Interview Date9th November 2024(Saturday) – morning
Admission Criteria

Priority of Consideration will be given to:

1) Applicant with silbling(s) currently studying in our Kindergarten;

2) Applicant whose parent(s) is/are member or staff of Homantin Baptist Church Kindergarten;

3) Applicant who resides near to the Homantin Baptist Church Kindergarten;

4) The applicant from families in need of whole day / long whole day classes will be given due priority consideration when applying for whole day / long whole day classes

(As the number of school places is limited, please understand that not all applicants fulfilling the priority consideration will be guaranteed a school place.)

5) Interview performance

Interview mode

1) Interview will be arranged for each applicant

2) Interviews will be arranged in form of group and/or individual. One of the parents should accompany their child for the interview.

Announcement of Admission ResultsWe will inform parents of the K1 admission results before 22th November 2024 by post
Registration Arrangements

1) Successful applicants:

Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from 2 to 4 January 2025 (“Centralised Registration Dates”) by submitting the original of the “2025-2026 RC” to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee.

2) Alternate admissions:

When the admitted students fail to register at the school within the registration period, their places will automatically be given up and replaced by the alternate admissions. The school will notify the candidates by phone and parents are requested to register on the designated date with the original copy of ‘Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission’ and the registration fee.

3) Unsuccessful Application:

Applicants refer to the K1 vacancy information released by the EDB on its website after the “Centralised Registration Dates” starting from late January 2025.


1) Please be reminded that if parents cannot submit the “2024-2025 RC” during registration, the kindergarten may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence,

parents are required to submit application for the Registration Certificate to EDB within the specified period.

2) The registration fee for 2025-2026 K1 place half day class is HK$970 and the whole day class is HK$1,570.

3) Should parents decide to change school after registration, please notify the kindergarten in writing. The kindergarten will return the “2025-26 RC” but the registration fee will not be refunded.

Upon obtaining the “2025-26 RC”, the kindergarten will no longer keep the school place for the child.

Application Notice

When applying for admission, please submit the following documents:

1) Application form with recent photo

2) Photocopy of birth certificate

3) Photocopies of parent’s/guardian ID card

4) Photocopy of immunization card

5) Four pieces of addressed written envelope with stamps (Please affix an envelope with enough postage stamps.)

6) Two passport-sized photos of the child (Please write the name on the back)

7) Admission fee $40

For eligible applicants, please submit the application form together with requird documents in person or by post to our kindergarten.

Admission Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children

Arrangement for admission application of Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children

Our school ensures equal opportunities in school admission for all eligible children (Including Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children) in public sector schools, regardless of their races.

When interviewing NCS children, interpretation or translation service for applicants will be provided where necessary;

or parents and children are allowed to be accompanied by a Chinese speaking relative/friend to facilitate communication.

1. English version of the application form is provided ( Download here )

2. School will arranged interview for all applicants

3. Enquiry Telephone Number and Email Address for Parents of NCS Children

Telephone No: 2242 0024 (Head Teacher)

Email address: [email protected]

Support for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Children

1. Non-Chinese-Speaking parents can use the interpretation and translation services of the “Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents” (CHEER).

CHEER provides services such as phone instant interpretation and WhatsApp translation on notices. View if necessary.

2. Education services for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students

3. Non-Chinese Speaking Parent Information Package: Your Guide to Education in Hong Kong-e-version

Open day 

Parent child game day

19th October 2024(Sat)

10:00a.m. to 12:00 noon

Education Bureau’s “child Care Admission Arrangements”

Admission Arrangements for Nursery(K1) Classes in Kindergartens for the 2025/26 School Year

Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres (2024/25 School Year)

K1 Admission Arrangements Flowchart


School Classes Class Age
Whole day Classes / Half day Classes K1 for 2 years old and eight months to 4 years old
K2 for 4 – 5 years old
K3 for 5 – 6 years old

School Adjustment

Parent Orientation

• Parent Orientation enables parents to gain an understanding of children’s physical, mental and emotional changes at the fresh beginning of school and thus help them adjust to the new school life.

• Get to know children’s schedules at school.

• Gain an understanding of the school structure, mission, the application procedures of the Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme and the study subsidy scheme.

• Parents and the school can exchange experiences and thoughts on the challenges of helping children adjust to school.

• Parents can take home with them a parent handbook with the above information.

Adjustment Activity for New Students: New Student Orientation Day

An orientation day will be arranged for new students. It welcomes new students and their parents with fun, engaging activities and involves them in a relaxing, pleasurable environment to help children develop an interest in going to school and help them make a smooth adjustment to the new school life.

Statistics on Allocation of Primary One Places In Seniar Class Form 2023 to 2024

Registration fee and reservation fee

Registery Fee$40
Reservation fee(Half day class) $970
(Full day class) $1,570

School Fees

Style of school uniforms

Summer uniforms


Birthday bag

Winter uniforms


School bag

※ Please note:The purchase of supplies or services is purely voluntary, and parents may purchase according to their individual needs.

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